Running Injuries
Running is a popular form of exercise. Studies suggest that the injury rate in runners may be up to 50%. Meaning that in any given year 50% of all runners may suffer an injury.  
At The Physio Base we are often working with our patients to get them back running after they have suffered an injury.  No matter what level you are. 
Section Title
Common injuries we treat
Knee pain:
ITB syndrome
patello-femoral pain
Hip Pain:
Gluteal tendinopathy
Groin pain
Ankle and foot pain:
Achilles Tendinopathy
Stress fracture
Common Symptoms
Pain in an area of the body whilst running
Pain worse after running
Pain on the outside of your knee
Pain on the inside or front of knee
Pain around your hip
Pain in or around your foot or ankle
Common Contributing factors
Load: How often and how much you run (the amount of load)
Running Biomechanics
Shoe type
Training surface
Muscle weakness
Flexibility and mobility
Other injuries
Other factors 
Physiotherapy Management
Some of the Interventions that we may use include: 
Exercise programs to improve strength, flexibility, and neuromuscular control 
Footwear Modifications 
Taping techniques 
Advice on running loads and cross training 
Manual therapy  
Another option we use in the Bondi Junction Clinic to help treat and prevent running injuries is Running Retraining. 
This involves using video analysis to assess Running biomechanics and making alterations to running technique to help modify load and optimise performance. 
Some common faults we see in running biomechanics include: 
Heel striking (landing on your heel) 
Overstriding (landing too far out in front, this will slow you down) 
Pelvic drop (hips dropping down) 
Knee and hip adduction (knee falling in) 
For example heel striking has been shown to increase the load on your knee by up to 20% compared to landing on your midfoot or forefoot.  
Running retraining is a way to try and change these mechanical issues. For example increasing cadence (steps per minute) has been shown to reduce overstride, increase gluteal activation and reduce loading at the hip and knee.  
There is no perfect way to run, however there are ideal ways to run. Running analysis allows us identify any abnormal running patterns.
Running retraining is a way for us to help modify and optimise your running technique.   Running retraining coupled with targeted strength, flexibility and neuromuscular training along with education on load management and progression can help get you back running and help prevent further injuries in the future.